Wednesday, April 7, 2010

SJP CrossFit Field Trip

One on the many great aspects of CrossFit is the community that we are a part of. A few weeks ago I asked Coach Dave Picardi and Coach Danny V of NorthShore CrossFit if they were interested in hosting the SJP CrossFit boys for a field Trip. Well, of course they said YES.

At SJP we are limited with some equipment so I wanted the boys to learn some skills with kettlebells and rings. Coach Dan and Dave spent about 40 minutes or so going over ring dips, ring pull ups, muscle ups, and kettle bell swings. The boys then did a team "HELEN" WOD.

Here are a few photos from today. A big thanks to Coach Dave and Dan for having us and giving the SJP CrossFit boys their first set of rings. Muscle Up Time!!

Coach Dave Picardi talking to the boys about the muscle up.

Coach Danny V going over the swin

Ryan working on his ring dip.

Boys working hard during "HELEN"

Learning the swing.

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